Rita, as I think everybody must have noticed by now, is an extremely perceptive woman. On one of her observations she pointed out what she thought about Frank’s room. She said the room was a perfect mess and that there was nothing phoney in it. I think she was trying to define Frank´s personality through his room as it were his own reflection. She believes he is honest and truthful as his name declares and as his room reveals. At the same time, she admitted she wanted to have a room like that.
Other of her observations was directed towards what she thinks a “proper” student is. She refers to them as the ones who had the chance to start studying right after finishing Secondary school. So she does not consider herself a “proper” student since she did not study when she thinks it was “supposed” to. What I think is that it really does not matter when you start studying, what is really valuable is the desire to become better in every aspect of our life, and for Rita studying is the way to achieve this.