domingo, 20 de abril de 2008

Go with the flow

Freedom of choice… As human being this is our blessing but sometimes it can also be our curse. How difficult it is to learn how to choose correctly!! It seems almost impossible because it is also difficult to establish what is good and what is bad, what means to be a good person or a bad one; there are thousands of views on this issue. When we are kids we are immature, dependent and inexperienced so obeying others seems to be logical but when we become adults we need to we capable of shaping our own life, not just living the life others had created for us. In this sense, and coming back to the orders, how important it seems to think about our actions at least twice before performing them!

-Why should I do this?

-Because it is an order.

-But why should I obey this order? Is this what I believe to be the right thing to do?

This is the reason why we are not satisfied with the excuse of the nazi commandant saying he had obeyed the order of a superior authority when being asked about the killing of thousands of Jews. The fact that he was told to and that many people thought it right, did not justify it or made it morally correct.

Before going with the flow it is crucial to reflect, to think it twice or a thousand times if necessary so as to be sure, not necessarily that it is the right thing to do but at least to be sure that it is what you want and to be responsible for that choice.

2 comentarios:

Gladys Baya dijo...

What an interesting post, Lu! I love it when you say we shouldn't just live "the life others have built for us"...

As regards the case of the Nazi commander, another issue is raised in your discussion: the difference between "legal" and "right"...

Tough, isn't it?

I can't but keep thinking about the tools education should provide us with so that we can make our own (wise) choices...

Do you feel ready to deal with this responsibility as an educator?

Big hug,

Lucía G. dijo...

What a question! I believe we are never ready enough to confront this issue, but I can say I´d try my best to provide my students the tools I believe useful for them to be complete persons, being at the same time as broad-minded as possible.

