lunes, 30 de junio de 2008

Que te vaya Bonito

What I believe Savater tries to point out in this chapter is the fact that even though the time passes and some features of our context change, the inherent essence of the human beings remains the same and this is with what Ethics deals. So the date shown by the calendar is not important when trying to reflect on what we want ourselves to be and to achieve in life as part of the humankind we all are. Of course, there are some differences or new issues to be discussed as far as Ethics is concerned, but the essential ingredients are always the same. As Savater wrote, “Vivir en rebaño es como vivir entre espejos…” we, human beings, in spite of all our differences, show the same basic characteristics that humans have shown throughout centuries.Throughout our lives we come across people we think are different from us and maybe, as a first reaction, we tend to reject them as we are all conditioned by stereotypes and so forth, but we need to overcome those prejudices and try to see beyond superficial differences so as to find the essence of the other which is, at the same time, our own human essence.

4 comentarios:

romina dijo...

Lu: I really liked your point of view about our differences. I agree with you that our real essence will continue to be the same as the years pass.
Thanks God we are different. Don't you think so?
Romina F

Gladys Baya dijo...

Let me just join you in this dream of teachers who go beyond "superficial differences" to see (and help their learners see) we're all much the same in essence, Lu.!

Big hug,

Lucía G. dijo...


Jajajaja, It seems utopic, doesn´t it? But, if we don´t dream why are we here in this world? And more important: Why did we chose this career? As Savater said in his book "El Valor de Educar" we teach because we truly believe somewhere deep in our hearts that something we can do to change this world, even though this seems insignificant,it´s worth trying.And he also pointed out this doble-sense of the book title, value because of the social value that education may have in a society and also because of the "courage" the teachers must have to face this profession.

Keep on dreaming!


Gladys Baya dijo...

You know I love that book too, Lu.!
As Lennon said it "You may think I'm a dreamer... but I'm not the only one" :-!
