jueves, 28 de agosto de 2008

In between the doors of perception

What does she think about Frank´s room and about the “proper” students?

Rita, as I think everybody must have noticed by now, is an extremely perceptive woman. On one of her observations she pointed out what she thought about Frank’s room. She said the room was a perfect mess and that there was nothing phoney in it. I think she was trying to define Frank´s personality through his room as it were his own reflection. She believes he is honest and truthful as his name declares and as his room reveals. At the same time, she admitted she wanted to have a room like that.
Other of her observations was directed towards what she thinks a “proper” student is. She refers to them as the ones who had the chance to start studying right after finishing Secondary school. So she does not consider herself a “proper” student since she did not study when she thinks it was “supposed” to. What I think is that it really does not matter when you start studying, what is really valuable is the desire to become better in every aspect of our life, and for Rita studying is the way to achieve this.

8 comentarios:

Miriam Rodriguez dijo...

Lu, I completely agree with you on the fact that being called a proper student does not depend on the time you study or your age. It´s more connected with an inner desire to know about something and study it.
I once heard: "better late than never", but I never think it´s too late to experience new things in life.

Pame dijo...

Hello girls,
I completely agree with you too. I've just read this post and I think I wrote the same (or at least I intended to express the same in my words - haha).
As I heard many times in the LCB's rooms: Learning is a life long process. Every day we can learn something new.
See you,

l @ u dijo...

Hi Lu!!

I definitely agree in that there's no good or bad time to start studying something. It's always a good time to make up our minds and start studying. What is good is that we never lose the will to learn something new and to become better people...



Lili dijo...

My dear mates!
You don't have to tell me about the proper age to study because I am the real Rita in class, am I?
Come on, you can tell it a mille off!
In fact, I totally agree with all of you. To tell you the honest truth, to study at my age is more enjoyable than when I was younger. It may be, perhaps, that now I can appreciate its value. Not only does studying open my mind but it also raises my self-esteem giving me strength and confidence so as to feel that even at my age I can do it!

Gladys Baya dijo...

Does anyone around remember how old Rita is, ladies???

Anyway, going beyond things we all seem to agree upon, I'd like to question Rita's assumed perceptiveness... Have you considered Frank is a drunkard and demotivated professor, according to what we've read so far? Not when he's with Rita, I know, but... how "perfect" do you think his room can be?

I believe the explanation of why Rita thinks his room is "perfect" can be linked to her definition of "perfect students"... but let's see if someone else has something to add on this before I keep prattling like mad!

Big hug,

Lili dijo...

Hi Gladys,

I think that Rita associates the word "perfect" with "real". The room is what he really is or the mirror of his behaviour.
I may be wrong but it is what I see.

Lucía G. dijo...

Hello everyone,
Thanks for posting!!!
I believe Rita is aware of Frank´s faults but she admires his knowledge and honesty above those faults. So this dicotomy of his room being "a perfect mess" may be a way of representing his personality. His room may be a chaos (which may represent his problems with alcohol), but Rita can still see beyond this and appreciate his potential and his good nature.

see you girls,

Gladys Baya dijo...

Can you find any evidence in these first scenes that Rita is aware of Frank's flaws, Lu?
