Each day we seem to be faced with the dilemma of deciding what we believe it’s “good” and what is “bad” with respect to what is convenient for us and for the rest of the society. Making this kind of decisions is not easy at all because there are multiple criteria when comes to opt for one course of action or the other. This situation stem from the fact that we are human beings, and as such we are free to choose. Even though, sometimes people prefer to believe they are not so as to avoid being blamed for anything that happens within their society.
I’m sure we can make the most of this “human ability” by searching and analysing as many points of view as possible and then, grounded on this go ahead and MAKE A CHOICE. Of course, we will make mistakes (like me in this post jajaja) but those, together with our good choices will build up our way of living and our identity. Our choices and actions will be the example we’ll be giving to our students in the future.
So, bear this in mind!
5 comentarios:
Hi Lu!
I love your picture!!!It is very creative!
Having read about what you wrote, I think that when you are a child or a teen you don't take much care about what happens if you choose this or that. You just do it, and you are not afraid of consequences or mistakes you can do.
I think that the fact or making choices make us grow and comprehend life...
"Life is an everyday choice", don't you think?
Is "good" always the same as "convenient", Lu? And if making "the right choices" involves "searching and analysing", how important is education in helping us handle the tools required for such a task?
Also, it's been really interesting to read you see mistakes as unavoidable... Pame appears to believe the opposite!
One last thing: IMHO, Giyo is probably right: realising about the consequences of our actions (or rather, realising our actions have consequences) is a crucial step to grow up... and we're lucky enough to have a whole year to reflect upon our choices as teachers!
Hi Gladys! That´s right, good is not always convenient and education is essential to help students to decide what is right or wrong by giving them tools and trying to make them think for themselves about the consequences of their acts; but of course, there are no recipes for this.
Mind you, Lu, I never said "good" is always the same as "convenient" (actually, by now you must have read that's how Savater defines "good", and I do like his definition)... I was just asking for your opinion! :-P!
On the other hand, I do agree with you that there are no recipes for ethics... or life!
Lots of love,
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