viernes, 30 de mayo de 2008

A Wolf in Sheep´s Clothing

What’s the purpose of life? What are we here for? This of course, I cannot tell you, but what I think (here I totally agree with Savater) is we should enjoy the little pleasures life give us TODAY. Nowadays, due to us being all the time on the go, our life revolves around our worries, duties, problems, etc. That’s to say, our mind is never relaxed taking pleasure in a moment, a flavour, a song, etc. I believe we should slow down a bit and find those little things in our lives that make us feel happy and take time to enjoy them to a full extent. Another important thing to consider, when talking about pleasures, is our control or lack of control over them. The concept of pleasure is often misunderstood. On the one hand, it is believed it’s wrong to enjoy any pleasure as it may be unfair to get pleasure from something others don’t have, so you should feel ashamed! On the other hand, many times people cannot distinguish between use and abuse of “pleasures” and end up losing control of their own lives. When we use a pleasure, we enrich our lives and you not only like this pleasure more but also you love your life more. But when we abuse, we impoverish our lives and then we are not interested in enjoying our lives but only one pleasure. This issue is closely related to what happens nowadays all around the world, especially when talking about the use of drugs. People usually resort to drugs to escape from their own harsh reality and I consider it vital to make a point of this. The abuse of drugs is not a pleasure in life which makes it better but it’s a way of escaping from life as it makes you its slave. It’s a punishment disguised as a pleasure that many times leads you to death.

3 comentarios:

Giyo dijo...

Hi Lu! when I think about my pleasures, it comes to my mind how wonderful is cooking or listening to a Luis Miguel's song...
But, as you wrote it, it is very difficult to take time to this...
What are your pleasures? Do you enjoy listening to some kind of music?
I wonder when we are going to take into account this little pleasures...
Big hug!

Gladys Baya dijo...

Hi Lu and Giyo!

It's really interesting to read your reflections as I spend a busman's holiday at the computer, trying hard to catch up with pending duties... :-P

One of my main challenges is to draw a clear line between "duty" and "pleasure". I love my work, and then enjoy it so much it's hard to tell when I'm keeping my duties and when enjoying a pleasure... Does it happen to you too?

I'm going to take mental note of your tip: "Real pleasure should lead us to love life better". That's a lesson I'd definitely like to teach my classes!

Wish me success! ;-)

Lucía G. dijo...

I enjoy listening to all kinds of music especially, Jack Johnson´s songs and i do take time to enjoy others things i like doing, such as watching movies and eating sambayon jajaja. I love what I do as well and as you, sometimes it´s difficult to tell whether i´m enjoying or just doing what i must do.
