miércoles, 25 de junio de 2008

Don´t Be Afraid

I think one of the most important messages this book has given me is Don´t waste your life being afraid. Fear is the main obstacle we can come across with when trying to move ahead in life. Many times I find myself being afraid of thing I do not know, but I’ve learnt that I can not know how to do everything and to enjoy the opportunity to learn new things. In one occasion during a lecture on graphic design an important Brazilian designer told us she was never afraid of the things she did not know, on the contrary she said she usually took on jobs which required her to do things she did not know. She was happy to had come across those jobs as they made her learn a lot about the profession and about life itself. I think this was a good lesson for me, she taught me not to feel bad but to take the situation as a good challenge to learn from it.

4 comentarios:

Miriam Rodriguez dijo...

It´s true Lu! If we can`t find new challenges, our life would be so boring, don´t u think?
Ignorant people respond with fear.
Fear paralyses u and prevents u from thinking wisely.

Gladys Baya dijo...

Oh, if all we could teach our students was not to be afraid of the unknown, I think we'd make such a difference in the world, Lu.!

Have you asked yourself which teacher behaviours might help you foster such learning among your classes?

All my love,

Lucía G. dijo...

HI Girls!

Yes! Of course Miri, life would have no sense at all without challenges!
As regards teachers´ behaviours , I believe teachers should give the students the opportunity of experiencing things, to try things in class and of course to give them chances to practise and use the language creatively without being correcting them all the time or constantly pointing out their mistakes. Teachers should help them notice that their mistakes are part of their learning process and that there is nothing wrong in making them,and they should guide the students so as to learn from them.
Giving them the chance to make or negotiate some decisions in the classroom may also help them build up their confidence and a good rapport with the teacher, and to create a relaxed atmosphere at the same time.



Gladys Baya dijo...

Food for thought, Lu.! We'll be discussing more about this during the second term...