lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008
miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008
I chose, me

I’ve noticed a huge change in Rita’s attitude from the previous chapter to this one. I’m happy to see that Rita finally chooses herself. In the end, she realises what Frank was trying to teach her before, to be herself, to decide and to be responsible for those choices. Because after all, the important thing is to be free. All the knowledge Frank helped Rita to get has given her the tools to choose. Now she can confront life without shame and without pretending to be somebody else. For all this, Rita wants to thank Frank. I believe the end with Rita cutting Frank’s hair represents her acceptance of who she really is, a new Rita but at the same time the old Rita, both together merged into one. At this point, I would say she has become wise woman. This ending also symbolises all the things Rita also gave Frank throughout the novel and the fact that now she is aware of what she has done. So, I can say that both of them are teachers and students at the same time, and this is a model to follow for us teachers or future teachers: teaching is not connected with contents but with life experiences and sharing, it a double-way process.

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008
Who you are

Life is change

The impact that Summer School had on Rita was incredibly significant. She came back fascinated, even more energetic than before, confident and proud of herself. I can imagine her faced shining with excitement while describing her marvellous visit to
domingo, 19 de octubre de 2008
Be Unique

martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008
Rita burst through the door out of breath...

Rita could not hold her excitement after having gone to the theatre, so as she abruptly entered the room she gasped: “I´ve gorra tell someone…” “I went to the theatre!” She does not reflect upon what her word choice is to express her thrill. Her words seem to burst out of her mouth like an uncontrollable flaw. “It was bleedin´ great, honest, ogh, it done me in, it was fantastic. I´m gonna do an essay on it.” Feelings and language are closely connected, the way we express what we feel is an echo of our identity, but we also need to learn how to adapt our linguistic forms according to the context in which we are immersed. For example, if Rita expressed her opinion about the play in an essay using the same register she used with Frank, the essay would be cosidered “incorrect.” Rita was never given the opportunity to learn this before, so the only way she knows to express her feelings towards anything is by using colloquial vocabulary.
“The key to success is often the ability to adapt”